Whooping Cranes are endangered. As with other endangered creatures, Whoopers have a dedicated following of folk who are determined to re-establish viable populations. Whooping Cranes nest in the north - Alberta specifically. They migrate south - Texas traditionally. Here is a link to some information.
The Whooping Crane rescue plan centers around teaching chicks bred in captivity to make the successful 2500 mile migration without the benefit of parents and flock. An ultra-light airplane with wings enhanced to resemble the wings of a crane succeeds in bonding with the young birds. They follow it in flight. The plane heads south. Ten birds follow and the migration is on. Everything goes according to plan until the FAA gets wind and grounds the plane. The cranes follow and the entire plan is stalled in Alabama. It took the Crane team a month to negotiate with the FAA. You can read about it yourself. The birds are back in the air. Surely, the FAA had bigger fish to fry.
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